Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tedd Webb Questions America's Support of Patriot Act

Tedd Webb unleashes a red, white and blue assault on America's political leaders in the second part of my two-part interview with the veteran broadcaster.

Tedd, who is heard on 970 WFLA in Tampa, Florida, tells me why he left the sports world for the political arena, claims the Democrats and Republicans are providing very little difference in results, explains why neither party will seriously tackle illegal immigration, and calls for a third and fourth party with credible leaders to step forward.

Tedd echoes many of the viewpoints expressed on this blog in past weeks, charging that President Obama plays for the same team as George W. Bush, warns of the dangers of allowing our leaders to ignore America's system of checks and balances, and questions how a true American can support the unpatriotic Patriot Act.

My thanks to Tedd for taking time to share his views on this edition of Blucher Uncaged!

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