Sunday, June 19, 2011

FBI Dumpster Divers Add to Police State Concerns

police state, n
a state or country in which a repressive government maintains control through the police.
-Collins English Dictionary

While American citizens have been asleep at the wheel, our republic has been running off the road of freedom. The past few months have been nothing short of frightening for those concerned about our disappearing civil liberties.
We've seen people get roughed up and arrested for dancing at the Jefferson Memorial, of all places! No-knock raids by SWAT teams on non-violent suspects are becoming more common. "Botched" raids with tragic results are becoming more numerous, as well. Especially disturbing is the recent raid in Arizona, in which police gunned down ex-Marine war veteran Jose Guerena.
Combine this with the Supreme Court's recent ruling in Kentucky v King ignoring the the Fourth Amendment, and you have a full-fledged assault on our freedom.

Now, to make matters even worse, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has granted itself some more power.

This podcast has been brought to you by Freedom. It's expensive and is difficult to maintain, but it's well worth the cost and it sure beats the hell out of the alternative.

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